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How To Use Sea Moss Gel For Hair: 1 New Way To Repair Your Dry And Damaged Hair

how to use sea moss gel for hair

How To Use Sea Moss Gel For Hair: 1 New Way To Repair Your Dry And Damaged Hair

Sea Moss

How To Use Sea Moss Gel For Hair? Among the species of sea, moss is the Red Algae Irish and Jamaican Sea moss. These two sea moss are gaining popularity because of their excellent benefits to the body, especially to the thyroid glands. 

A healthy thyroid also influences the heart and the muscles because of its primary endocrinal functions. Hormones nourished in the thyroid gland are very important to the brain for coordination and memory. 

Sea moss is rich in iodine on top of all the vitamins and minerals it contains. It is the primary ingredient necessary for the thyroid gland to function correctly. Sea moss is also found to have 92 trace minerals content essential for the body’s daily function. 

Many people also claim an observed anti-bacterial property and anti-inflammatory property in sea moss. It is so that the Irish and the Jamaican used sea moss as a cough home remedy and libido elixir. 

What Kind Of Sea Moss To Get? 

There are millions of sea moss species in the world that you can get but what matters is it is natural and not synthetic. Natural sea moss is wildcrafted. It has no GMO and mostly gluten-free. 

The best type of sea moss to get is wildcrafted and naturally processed like sun-dried sea moss. Cooking or baking sea moss may cause the sea moss to release harmful chemicals that can become tumorigenic in the long run. 

You should be very careful about what sea moss you buy in the market and must avoid synthetic or processed sea moss because it may contain harmful materials due to undergoing several processes. You can check this article to know more about sea moss properties. 

What Are The Types Of Sea Moss In The Market?

There are different types of sea moss in the market that you can choose from, but the most basic and the most natural version available are:

  1. Sundried
  2. Powdered
  3. Gel

Sundried sea moss is the most natural type of sea moss in the market. It is just basically a dehydrated sea moss. Because it is naturally dehydrated, all its natural vitamins and minerals. Sundried sea moss is also the best type to be made in different kinds like powdered or gel sea moss. 

Sea moss powder is usually sea moss dried up and crushed into a powder. This kind of sea moss is commonly used for household food additive and vegan pastry and cookie ingredients. Sea moss powder can also be processed into a food supplement capsule. 

Sea moss gel is another type that is readily available in the market. However, sea moss gel is super easy to make. It is merely rehydrating dried sea moss overnight and adding a few drops of lemon to remove the fishy smell. Sea moss gel uses are very versatile. It can be used as a food additive and thickeners for smoothies, jam, and soups. It can also be used for skin treatment and hair treatment. The limit is just the imagination. 

Sea Moss Gel Recipe

If you want to have a good sea moss gel recipe, you can check out Earthbal’s recipe. It is the best recipe there is. It is minimal odor, and the gel is not slime-like but has the right gel consistency. 

How To Store Sea Moss Gel?

Most foods that use sea moss need only 2-4 tbsps of sea moss per serving; it is essential for you to know how to store sea moss properly to lessen the spoilage rate and preserve its best quality. 

Although it is best to use the sea moss immediately after making it, you can also make a bigger batch and store them properly. With that, you can preserve its quality, and it can remain odorless.

Sea moss gel is best stored in a glass jar or an airtight container. By doing so, the sea moss gel can retain its smooth texture and prevent it from being too watery as well. It can be kept for a month in the refrigerator and three months if kept in the freezer. [1]

By doing this, you can easily scoop in a few tablespoons every time you need them. You are cutting off the hassle of making every time.  

How To Use Sea Moss Gel For Hair?

While sea moss has been popularized as a smoothie or a food, sea moss can be used for hair treatments. How To Use Sea Moss Gel For Hair? Because of sea moss’ protein content, collagen formation is beneficial, which makes the hair stronger. 

It also contains the right amount of anti-microbial property that helps protect the scalp from contracting a fungal infection or other infection that may cause the skin to break and affect hair quality. 

Further, sea moss is rich in minerals that can help nourish the strands of your hair. People who used sea moss for their hair claimed a great outcome. It has significantly softened their hair, and even a noticeable improvement in their hair quality was observed. 

Deep Conditioning

One recommended way for hair treatment is deep conditioning. Whatever your hair type is, deep conditioning is the best way to nourish it. Especially for people who often undergo hair coloring and bleaching, deep conditioning is highly recommended for the hair to regain its vitality. 

More and more people are trying out, adding more natural ingredients for deep conditioning to achieve healthy and more sustainable treatments. This is how people discovered that sea moss is, in fact, an excellent hair treatment. How To Use Sea Moss Gel For Hair? Sea moss mixed in with natural oils like coconut oil and other natural ingredients gave a very smooth and healthier hair after several uses. [2]

It Takes Time, But It Is Worth It!

Deep conditioning, as the term implies, conditioning of the hair up to its deep layers. Because deep conditioning aims to rehabilitate and nourish hair up to its inner layers, it becomes soft and more elastic. It is beneficial for dry and damaged hair because it gives the hair a shiny look and makes it stronger and healthier. 

A noticeable difference can be observed after consistent use. Although it can take time before healthier hair can be achieved, it is worth it because the hair quality will be observably healthier and more robust. Deep Hair Conditioning is essential for chemically treated hair to nurture it back to life.

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